Monday, January 26, 2015


The new Code has presented us with legislations on the existence, composition and functioning of the parish since 1983. What is the
competence of the pastor and other pastoral agents in the parish?
How are the organs of parish administration and temporalities established and organized? Thus one would want to ask how far has
our local Church responded in establishing and administering the parishes according to the mind of the legislator of the 1983 new Code of Canon Law?
Our attempt is to use the 1983 Code of Canon Law as our launching pad in exposing the nature and composition of the Parish and to see how this is administered within the local Church which has witnessed creation and increase in parishes with corresponding increase in the number of the members of the diocesan presbyterium. Consequent upon this growth is the creation of many parishes in the same town with its attendant problems of unity and healthy relationships. Many activities face the parish at various levels.
This work, therefore, is entirely expository and pastoral. It will serve as an aid to better governance of
the parish according to the dispositions of the new Code. It exposed the various dimensions of the acts that face the Parish Priest and other collaborators; establishing their various competences and necessary materials that will aid the full functioning of parish administration. A very important sector of parish patrimony, the laity and the relationship of the parish to the diocesan family are also exposed in this project. It is intended ultimately to serve as a handbook or
better vade me cum to parish administration.
This work is limited to the parishes within the Latin rite governed by the 1983 Code of canon Law. It
is also limited by the Awka diocesan environment from where many examples are used within the light of canonical legislation. It is simply a work in three Chapters with General Introduction and Conclusion.
The first Chapter addressed the issue of administrative composition of the parish. It discussed issues on the necessity and nature of parish, the figure of the parish priest and the demand of administrative imperative of cooperation in the parish. We discussed also issues related to nature of Church administration and some administrative principles for better operation in parish governance.
Chapter two talks about the pastoral functioning of the parish in the light of the principal duties of the pastor as prophet priest and king i.e. ministry of the word, ministry of sanctification and pastoral governance. We exposed also the issue of documentation in parish administration as sine qua non for the stability of parish as an organization.
Chapter three finally discussed the parish within the diocesan Church bringing out the unique operations in both the deanery and the towns with multi parishes which is a peculiar phenomenon in the diocese.


The Church of Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is both divine and human institution. It is fully present at both the levels of universal and particular Churches. In addition, it enjoys the unique dignity and status of being one of the most highly organized communities in the world. It has the credit of ancient age, the ever presence of the Lord (Matt 28:20) and the Spirit but also that of the human persons and organs that have overseen its affairs since her early beginnings.

The Church governance according to the Code of Canon Law is concerned with order, discipline, structures, rules and procedures at both the universal and particular Churches. These laws which are pastorally motivated are made for the salvation of souls (can 1752) and directed by those in law that have the power of governance or jurisdiction in the Church i.e. Clerics, Religious and laity (cann 129, 207). The Code clearly show that the administrative coordination in the diocese rests on the diocesan Bishop (cann 394; 473, §§1 & 2) but always in cooperation with personnel and organs of diocesan governance.

Statement of the Problem
The New Code is clear on the juridical authority of the diocesan Bishop and the required offices and organs of collaboration in diocesan governance. In some dioceses, there are noticeable shortcomings in functioning, especially as it concerns the designation of persons and specification of organs that direct the affairs of the diocese.
The Diocesan Curia according to the new Code is the principal instrument and an effective auxiliary to the diocesan Bishop’s exercise of his power of governance over the entire diocese (can 469). The nature of the persons placed in the both obligatory and optional offices, the accurate specification and designation of the chains of command for those offices and organs are important to the effective functioning of the diocese towards accomplishment of its mission.

Diocesan Churches make effort to respond positively to the demands and dispositions of the legislation in the constitution of offices and organs of diocesan governance, but the result is often very far from ideal. For instance, in some places norms establishing the competences and chains of command/organizational lines of authority among curial personnel and organs are lacking; often we experience situations of contrary provisions to the Code, which appears to indicate lack of  adequate knowledge on the demands of Church legislations as in the instances of diverse designations, confusing titles, mixed responsibilities, improper procedures, empowering of subordinates, loading a few with too many assignments, appointments unrelated to areas of specialization and  those with specialized formation not given assignments in their field of specialization, and incompatible offices.

An inquiry into the administrative co-ordination in the diocesan curia becomes pertinent as a way to ensure stability and order in the administration of the diocese as demanded by the new legislation.

Purpose of the Work
This is essentially a canonical production that undertakes administrative, pastoral, expository and analytical approaches to legislative provisions in the new Code.

Some diocesan Churches especially in Africa are still young and missionary territories. They are still in the process of receiving the teachings of Second Vatican Council and the New Code of Canon Law. In the light of this, our effort is to expose the identity and competence of the personnel, offices and organs in diocesan governance. The thesis is to demonstrate that the Canonical provisions is bereft of conflict of competences and that the need of diocesan Churches will be to appreciate better these provisions and decide for its implementation for the required effective co-ordination in diocesan governance.

Scope of the Work
This thesis is limited to the diocesan Church of the Latin rite governed by the 1983 Code of Canon Law. It draws materials especially from the teachings of Magisterium in highlighting the issues related to provision, constitution, and proper competences of both offices and organs in the administrative co-ordination of diocesan curia.

Division of the Work

The work is divided into three chapters with general introduction and conclusion.
In Chapter one, we present the constitutional foundation of the diocesan governance, highlighting the nature of the Church especially as the People of God and Communion, and locating the diocese as a public juridic person in law within the universal Church. Issues related to the jurisdictional authority of the diocesan Bishop in the diocese or particular Church, the nature of administration and the principles that should guide the administration of the diocesan Church, are also treated in this chapter.

Chapter two examines the identity and jurisdictional competences of diocesan curia personnel and organs. This is considered a necessary consequence of canon 145 paragraph two that calls for the definition of both duties and rights of these ecclesiastical offices. We discuss these offices from the perspectives of history, central office, temporal goods, judicial and consulting organs. These are really essential in any administrative coordination agenda.

Chapter three considers the central position of the diocesan Bishop in this project and the program of coordination, bringing out essential personnel issues and consultation dynamics. The Chapter concludes with the diocesan status and link beyond its territorial frontiers.


Anthony Basil Chibuzor Chiegboka was born on 15th October 1962 at Onitsha, Anambra State. He hails from Isuofia in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State. After his primary education, he discerned a calling from God to serve him in a special way as His minister. As a result, he entered All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha for minor seminary formation and secondary education after which he successfully graduated in flying colours with his WASC in 1980. He then proceeded to Bigard Memorial (now St. Joseph Seminary) Ikot Ekpene, an Affiliate of Urban University, Rome where he bagged his Bachelor of Philosophy degree in 1985. Thereafter, he left the seminary and went and walked the paths of the University of Nigeria for a year and came out in 1987 with an M.Sc. degree in Public Administration with emphasis on Personnel Management. Anthony went back to the major seminary for the recommencement of his priestly formation at Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, where he did another first degree, this time, in Theology. His efforts were crowned not only with an award in 1992 of a Bachelor of Theology of the Pontifical Urban University, Rome but also with a sacred ordination to the Catholic Priesthood on the feast of Queenship of Mary on August 22, 1992. Since his ordination, Rev. Fr. Chiegboka has served the Church and society in various capacities as pastor, administrator, motivator, Preacher, scholar, resource person and team player. Significantly, he served the Catholic Diocese of Awka with remarkable dedication as the Secretary to the Bishop Emeritus, diocesan Master of Ceremonies and in principal organs, councils and committees of the diocese.

But his fiery interest in scholarship sent him later to Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA) Port Harcourt where he studied, and graduated in Biblical Theology with an M.Th. degree of the University of Calabar in 1998. However, Rev. Fr. Anthony Chiegboka earlier cut his teeth in the academia in 1996 when he was appointed a Lecturer in the Bigard Memorial (now Pope John Paul II) Seminary, Okpuno, Awka, which is now a worthy Affiliate of this prestigious and great Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), Awka. Then Rev. Father joined the staff of then Department of Religious Studies now Department of Religion and Human Relations of UNIZIK in 1999 as a Lecturer I. He became a Senior Lecturer in 2002.

In 2003 he was grant study leave that found him outside the Nigerian shores in the prestigious Papal University, that is Pontificia Universitas Laterenesis, Vatican City for some other higher canonical, legal and administrative specialization studies. He came back in 2007 with a diploma certificate in Prassi Amministrativa Canonica, a Licentiate in Church Administration, and a Doctorate degree in the same field. It would not be surprising to learn that Fr. Chiegboka recorded summa cum laude probatus (First Class Honours) in all these areas.
As a result of his numerous manifestation of scholarship and publications, academic and administrative leadership, active membership of some academic and professional bodies, and contributions to the growth of the University and society, to say the least, Rev. Fr. Dr. Anthony Chiegboka was pronounced a Professor of Religion and Society of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Boniface C. E. Egboka, PhD, FAS, FNMGS, FNAH, PHF, with an effective date from 1st October, 2009 just a decade in the University system.

As coming really from the academia, Rev. Fr. Prof A.B.C. Chiegboka has littered a lot of publications including self-authored books, monographs, edited books, journal articles, chapters in books and conference papers both within and outside Nigeria.  Rev. Fr. Prof. Chiegboka has been a keen researcher in Religion and Socio-cultural issues, and has written, spoken and published extensively in those subject areas, a fact that got him promoted to the apex of his academic profession. This would only have been possible through diligence, determination, and commitment to research. Professor Chiegboka is a highly sought after resource person for conferences, seminars, workshops and retreats. His works reveal his philosophical inquisitiveness and analytical mind, his originality in thought and ideas as well as his liberality in information dissemination. His academic prowess has been recognized by the first indigenous University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki which have sought his services for external examinations.

Yet as a Church canonist and judicial officer, Chiegboka’s sharp and incisive jurisprudential prognosis is ever faithful to the magisterial orthodoxy. Although it is rare yet possible to isolate men who have made outstanding contributions to knowledge and learning and who have in that way  kept mementos of their creative genius and originality on the plaque of times, Fr. Professor Chiegboka has shown exemplary academic leadership not only in editorship of several books and journals, and the supervision unto completion of many PhD dissertations and Master’s theses, but also in the charismatic headship of the Department of Religion and Human Relation of this University for four years, that since 2008.  

Note that it is in the area of administration as much as through his intellectual culture that Professor Chiegboka demonstrates in excelsis and in concreto his passion and anxiety to serve humanity. His tenure as Head of Department since 2008 witnessed the first ever PhD graduand and fourteen PhD Students and eighty-nine Masters Students. He has recorded through collaboration of the Staff diligence lecturing, prompt submission of results, steady progress of staff in education and promotions. This was achieved because of his dedication to duty and pastoral mindedness. In the Faculty, his designation as Chairman, Faculty Arts Conference Committee has attracted notable personalities and national figures like Most Rev Dr Matthew Hassan Kukah, Ambassador Ralph Uwaechue, OFR, Chief Dr Alex I. Ekwueme, GCON Senator Dr David Mark, GCON and Professor Chukwuma C. Soludo, CFR, which enhanced the image of the University and brought the faculty to national and international limelight with the array of participants. In the University he has served creditably in many Senate Committees